A musical love journey

I came here to this wonderful planet, deeply filled with love, for myself, for the people I love most, but also for all other beings and everything that lives here, especially Mother Earth and the cosmos!

From an early age I was lucky enough to receive a fantastic musical education and played the violin in a classic orchestra for decades. I quickly learned what harmony and love mean in the daily practice and life, of course, I learned how painful the opposite feels!

It’s exciting to look back and see how deeply I had to dive into my own personal suffering and recognize what it all did and affected my body, my mind and my soul.

Eine musikalische Liebesreise


Through the violin into consciousness

In the Kryon school in Germany I took my steps to awakening! My body, mind and soul gradually healed. Deeply connected to my highest potential and to the higher levels of my being, I do live my calling!
One day it was shown to me that in the moment of deep connection to the source in the here and now moment, like a channeling, I can receive my own melodies for the highest benefit of the listeners and express them with my violin. Since then, this task has fulfilled me deeply. I have been able to trigger and experience many miracles ever since!

Many people have had very special experiences with my sounds in recent years and have experienced deep emotional healing.
We are many on this planet, who are now awakening more and more to higher consciousness and are making our gifts available to each other and to the great change and shift on Mother Earth!

I am therefore looking forward to networking with like-minded people. I’m here and more than ready! Let’s take action together and powerfully!

Shan’ Adrana

Messenger of the healing angels

My spiritual name Shan’ Adrana means “messenger of healing angels”. As such, I belong to the frequency of the Elohim. My life sentence is: “As a messenger of the healing angels, you will bring the joyful messages of light.” The Elohim frequency guides the structure in the universe.

My cosmic parents are Lumina and Noah. Lumina and Noah’s properties include healing energy and the ability to hold light energies. Lumina’s attributes are Healer Energy Transmission and Energy Enhancement. Lumina contains very great healing power, which is why these people have already worked as healers in many incarnations. Noah’s attributes equal courage, endurance and neutrality.

Planets quote
“Love carries the highest vibration of the entire cosmos and makes EVERYTHING possible!”

Gudula Gomez

Kosmische Klänge für Dein Wohlbefinden

Sound journey

Cosmic sounds for your well - being

Experience the wondrous cosmic violin sounds of Gudula Gomez, which can bring about profound healing on a physical, mental and spiritual level. As an “instrument of God,” Gudula receives healing frequencies from higher dimensions and passes them on to people through her violin. Immerse yourself in a magical sound journey into higher dimensions and release blockages on different levels and Layers. Gudula shares her experience and calling with great dedication and humility.

The sounds can be used at events, congresses and healing ceremonies.


My photos

Contact me

My meditative sessions are a wonderful start into the day

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