Healing power of sounds and vibrations

Free yourself from the burden of everyday life and develop into the best version of yourself. I will help you and I can also work with you from a distance.

Sound journey

Cosmic sounds for your well - being

Experience the wondrous cosmic violin sounds of Gudula Gomez, which can produce a profound healing on a physical, mental and spiritual level. As an “instrument of God,” Gudula receives healing frequencies from higher dimensions and passes them on to people through her violin. Immerse yourself in a magical sound journey into higher dimensions and release blockages on different levels. Gudula shares her experience with great dedication and humility.

The sounds can be used at events, congresses and healing ceremonies.

Kosmische Klänge für Dein Wohlbefinden
Sound journey

My musical gift and talent

Each of us is the creator of our life at every moment. We are on Earth to remember that we are much more than just humans – we are beings of light with infinite potential.

My mission is to activate the creator in you and bring it to life through sounds and frequencies from the cosmos, so that you come to yourself and fully into your power. Grow beyond yourself!

Planets quote
“Love carries the highest vibration of the entire cosmos and makes EVERYTHING possible!”

Gudula Gomez

My solutions

Enchanting possibilities for personal healing

I provide enchanting offers that strengthen your well-being and create a unique experience.


Frequently asked questions

Can’t find an answer to your question? Don’t worry, write to me via the contact form.

A sound journey is a type of sound therapy that uses various sound instruments such as violins, singing bowls, chimes and gongs, but also the human voice, to create a meditative experience that puts the body and mind in a deep state of relaxation.

During a sound journey, the participant is asked by the performer to sit or lie down comfortably and let the sounds or vibrations of the sound instrument work on them. The sounds and frequencies affect the body and mind, taking the listener on a journey into other dimensions and leading to a state of deep relaxation and peace.

Frequency medicine (FM) originally comes from space travel and is THE medicine of the future; it is also known as quantum medicine. As such, it is one step ahead of the future with an energy-medical practice concept. FM is about seeing body, mind and soul as one with nature. Your goal is the full development of physical, mental and spiritual health and the prevention of illness. Many different healing frequencies serve to restore and maintain harmony, balance and dynamic stability internally and externally. This is accompanied by a personal process of disciplining one’s own thoughts and through a possible return to a life in harmony with nature on a mental, emotional, energetic and physical level. This requires understanding that each of us is responsible for our current state.

No, the effectiveness and success of energetic treatments has not been scientifically proven. All statements and advice are not diagnoses, but represent pure energetic descriptions of the situation.

A sound journey usually lasts between 15 and 60 minutes, depending on your wishes and needs.

Contact me

My meditative sessions are a wonderful start into the day

Can’t find an answer to your question? Don’t worry, write to me via the contact form.
